Financial advice for women ‘must be tailored to their needs’

Women’s nurturing instincts often drive them to prioritise the needs of others over their own. Photo: AfDB website.

Women’s nurturing instincts often drive them to prioritise the needs of others over their own. Photo: AfDB website.

Published Aug 20, 2024


Staff reporter

Women’s nurturing instincts often drive them to prioritise the needs of others over their own. This can, and often does, unintentionally hinder their success. A tendency to place others first is particularly evident among single mothers, women caring for elderly parents, and those financially supporting their children and grandchildren – this represents a sizable portion of the female population.

These responsibilities will not disappear anytime soon, and to achieve true success, women need to learn to balance their nurturing nature with pro-active monetary management. And it needs to happen soon. They need the right advice, but more importantly, they need the right advice from the right person.

Wanita Isaacs, Momentum’s head of key accounts, says: “By connecting with financial advisers who understand their uniqueness, more women can take control of their financial futures.”

These professionals can tailor advice to every individual's situation, ensuring financial plans are realistic, achievable, and aligned with their long-term goals.

For women who often juggle multiple responsibilities, having a trusted adviser can make a substantial difference in their ability to secure a stable financial future. “Financial advisers provide essential guidance and support, helping women plan for retirement, save for significant life events, and navigate the complexities of personal finance,” Isaacs says.

In some instances, a female financial adviser brings a unique perspective and understanding to their clients, particularly women. Isaacs says they can relate to the challenges and experiences women face, offering not just financial expertise but also empathy and support. “These advisers understand the delicate balance women must maintain between nurturing their families and pursuing their own financial independence,” she says.

Tips for success

As a female CEO of a JSE-listed company, Momentum Group CEO Jeanette Marais offers perhaps the most pertinent advice for women looking to achieve financial success. She may have quite a few mantras, but the following ones are relevant in the middle of Women’s Month:

[blob] Put in the effort: Empower yourself with knowledge and be brave enough to take risks.

[blob] Start small: Do not be afraid to take baby steps towards your financial goals.

[blob] Seek opportunities: Look for possibilities amidst challenges.

[blob] Strive for financial independence: Every woman deserves her own financial strategy.

[blob] Be prepared: Even if you do not earn an income, have a financial plan, and know what to do in the event of your spouse’s passing.

Isaacs adds: “It is Jeanette who inspired so many of us to vigorously embrace the financial sector and take control of our futures.

“Whether you are starting your own business, re-evaluating your finances, or planning for the future, connecting with a financial adviser can provide the guidance and confidence you need to achieve your goals. As we honour the achievements of women this Women's Month, let us also empower ourselves to take the necessary steps towards financial independence and success.”

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