Keep to the relevant spaces provided on your tax return

Published Sep 29, 2007


Here are this week's tips for completing your tax return for the 2007 income tax filing season. The tips are based on common mistakes made and questions asked by you, the taxpayer.

The tips are brought to you by the South African Revenue Service (SARS). These tips are based mainly on the fact that your handwritten tax return is scanned and dealt with electronically.

You may receive any tax refund earlier if you follow these instructions:

- Use a black or a blue pen to complete the return form.

- Keep your writing within the spaces provided.

- Do not strike through the squares that do not apply to you - you should leave them blank.

- Not every section of the return will be relevant to you. For example, if you do not have a retirement annuity policy then you do not need to fill in the associated box.

- Do not use correcting fluid. You can download a new form from the internet at or you can photocopy your form to use it for a trial run.

- Do not fold your return. Return it in the envelope provided.

- You will find it helpful to consult the SARS brochure that was posted to you with your income tax return.

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