Pretoria school children spread Christmas cheer

Learners of Elturion Christian School have added their talents to a new and unique Christmas song “Clap Clap Clap for Father Christmas”.

Learners of Elturion Christian School have added their talents to a new and unique Christmas song “Clap Clap Clap for Father Christmas”.

Published Dec 14, 2023


Some of the younger learners of Elturion Christian School, a select Pretoria private place of learning, have added their charming personalities and talents to a new and unique Christmas song “Clap Clap Clap for Father Christmas”.

Principal of the school, Mandy Muller, heard about the invitation and innovative idea to sing and act out the song and saw the opportunity to video the performance for social media.

She immediately willingly and cheerfully volunteered to involve the youngsters of her school.

The enthusiasm and talents shown by the school and its students and their commitment towards the project appealed to the man behind the song, veteran music entertainment figure, Mike Fuller. The pupils’ drive and eagerness to spread the message of goodwill and cheer that the song epitomises was simply irresistible.

Twenty young learners from the school joyfully and wholeheartedly sang and acted out the catchy Christmas song.

A dedicated team comprising principal Mandy, Elturion’s singing teacher, Sue Bornman, Pretoria guitar and singing coach Debbi Lonmon, as well as videographer Divan Auret, put it all together, guided by team leader Fuller.

After the tough year endured by most of South Africa, whether it be lack of electricity and water, rising costs, increasing crime stats, and general discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo, we desperately need things that relieve our stress levels and make us smile for a while.

This song, and the way the youngsters have performed and embodied it, encompasses the fun and goodwill that Christmas brings. It definitely captures the joy of the season with its key line “Clap Clap Clap for Father Christmas”.

The method of spreading the spirit and goodwill of Christmas includes launching the song on the internet via social media, including TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

“It certainly is fun and uplifting to enjoy this happy and charming youthful addition to the many and much-loved Christmas songs enjoyed by all. Hopefully the pupils of Elturion Christian School will have triggered an avalanche of happy clapping for Father Christmas far and wide during this festive holiday season,” the school said in a statement.

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