Tshwane provides free buses to children from Salvokop Drama Club to Cullinan camp

Some of the 120 children from the Salvokop Drama Club who went on a camp in Cullinan. Picture: Supplied

Some of the 120 children from the Salvokop Drama Club who went on a camp in Cullinan. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 19, 2023


Pretoria - At least 120 children from the Salvokop Drama Club were happy to receive a helping hand from the City of Tshwane, which provided them with free transportation to their camp in Cullinan.

The club operated under the umbrella of the Salvokop Youth Development Centre - a non-profit organisation that aims to create safe spaces for children residing in Salvokop.

The club has been hailed for offering free after-school programmes for drama and dance as part of their initiatives.

Tshwane Mayor Randall Williams said at least four buses were made available to transport the children and 22 youth leaders from Salvokop in Pretoria West to Cullinan in Region 5 for their weekend camp.

He said the gesture of giving was motivated by the need to plough back communities and “particularly to learners as we kick-start the 2023 school calendar year”.

The City had previously worked with the youth development centre in the past. Williams said the City was pleased to offer a helping hand to the centre having seen its positive impact in their community.

“Our multiparty coalition government fully supports community-driven programmes which seek to advance and develop youth through various arts, sport, education and skills training. Working with the private sector and non-profit organisations, we can uplift our communities and empower young people,” he said.

He expressed gratitude to the MMC for Roads and Transport, Dikeledi Selowa, and her office for facilitating the transport services for the children.

“Similarly, I also want to thank the club for their work, keeping our youth occupied with meaningful activities,” Williams said.

Pretoria News