#aTypicalInterview: Actress, model and pilot Christina Carmela on the worst date she’s ever been on

Cape Town-born actress, model, and pilot Christina Carmela. Supplied image.

Cape Town-born actress, model, and pilot Christina Carmela. Supplied image.

Published Sep 24, 2023


Johannesburg - This week we feature Cape Town born actress, model, and pilot Christina Carmela.

Carmela is best known for her debut on Netflix’s dating show “Too Hot to Handle”, which aired worldwide in July 2021.

Raised in Cape Town with her two brothers, she started to model at a young age, winning a few beauty competitions. Her biggest achievement was when she made one of the top positions of Miss Italy of the World contest in Venice.

Christina moved to India where she got roles in some Bollywood movies, TV adverts and also did some modelling.

As a pilot, she flew for two years in Indonesia for Susi Air, and then moved to Europe where she gained her European licence and flew routes through Greece.

Since completing “Too Hot To Handle”, Christina has concentrated on her social media platforms and becoming a brand ambassador, exploring TV show opportunities and travelling. Her home base is now in Milan.

Cape Town born actress, model, and pilot Christina Carmela. Supplied image.

You are able to star alongside any actor in a Hollywood Blockbuster movie. Who do you choose and why?

It would absolutely have to be with the stunning Ana de Armas. I mean, we'd be the dynamic duo of the century, and honestly, who wouldn't have a crush on her right now?

Three items you have to have in your fridge at all times are…

First and foremost, Sriracha or any spicy sauce. I put that stuff on everything, even ice cream (just kidding). Next, you'll always find a bottle of white wine, because, well, I'm Italian and wine is in my blood. And of course, cheese – certified cheese addict right here

Tell us about the worst date you’ve ever been on.

It was my first and last attempt at using a dating app. I made the rookie mistake of opting for a full-on dinner instead of just drinks for our first meeting. I knew within the first 10 minutes that it was a total mismatch, but I had to endure starters, mains and dessert with this person! It was like a never-ending nightmare. So, pro tip: always go for drinks, not dinner.

What Netflix series should everyone be watching right now?

Netflix series worth binging? Well, besides “Too Hot To Handle”, the series “YOU” and “IDOL” have been quite the thrill ride. And don't even get me started on “Queen's Gambit”, also the first two seasons of “Succession” – absolute gems. For some lighter fare, “Schitt's Creek” is hilariously addictive. And yes, David's expressions crack me up.

You are handed the keys to your dream plane and are able to fly anywhere around the globe with a co-pilot of your choice. Where do you fly and who co-pilots the plane?

Somebody hands me the keys to a Bombardier global 7500? What a dream! I'd go for a world exhibition with none other than Amelia Earhart as my co-pilot. Can you imagine the stories she'd share during our epic journey? Pure aviation magic.

The meal that most reminds you of your childhood?

That has to be rice pudding. It's still my all-time favourite, and whenever I visit home, my dad whips up a batch just for me. It's a taste of pure nostalgia and love.

Cape Town born actress, model, and pilot Christina Carmela. Supplied image.

What is your biggest fear?

I'm pretty fearless in life, except for one thing – drowning. Seriously, don't try to drag me underwater, or I might pull you down with me. I'll conquer the skies any day, but diving? Not my cup of tea.

Your definition of love?

I love love, it's the greatest thing on this planet. There's nothing like that burning sensation in your heart when you trust someone completely, and they trust you back. I’m a very passionate person but love to me could also be a simple text to check in or bringing food over to someone’s place.

Portuguese, Italian, or South African cuisine?

Choosing between Portuguese, Italian, or South African cuisine? That's like picking a favourite child. But if I absolutely had to, let's go with Italian first, South African second, and Portuguese third. Don't make me choose between pasta and peri-peri chicken!

You are only able to shop at one clothing store for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?

Now that's an absolute nightmare. Can I count online stores? If so, I'd have to go with Flook the Label. They've got my style nailed, and I can rock their outfits all summer long. Oh, and maybe a shout-out to Silou too – can't resist their active wear!