#aTypicalInterview: Micaela Jade Tucker on which ‘Miseducation’ co-star she would be stuck on an island with

Actress Micaela Jade Tucker. Supplied image.

Actress Micaela Jade Tucker. Supplied image.

Published Oct 1, 2023


Johannesburg - This week we feature South African actress and presenter Micaela Jade Tucker.

She is best known for her starring role as Jessica in the SABC1 comedy-drama series Makoti. It was her first starring role on television.

She was previously a presenter and voice artist for the SABC1 youth programming block YoTV, from 2010 to 2017.

Micaela’s rise as an actress has continued. She has been cast in a starring role in new hit Netflix series Miseducation, which is currently streaming around the world. She stars as Natalie in the series.

South African actress and presenter Micaela Jade Tucker. Supplied image.

The meal that most reminds you of your childhood is?

2 minute noodles and chicken Viennas.

Tell us about the worst date you’ve ever been on.

A lockdown first date … our only option was to go for a walk around my neighbourhood in the early hours of the morning. The problem was that everyone else in my neighbourhood was on their walks too and so it wasn’t exactly the most low-key date.

What Netflix series should everyone be watching right now?

Miseducation! Duh!

Is Micaela anything like Natalie in real life?

Yes. In so many ways! Natalie and I are both quirky individuals that don’t fit into a mould. While I may not be into the same type of music and TV shows as her, a lot of our similarities lie in our values and beliefs we uphold.

You are stuck on an island with your fellow cast members of Miseducation. You have to split into teams of two in order to gather food and survive. Which cast member do you choose to team up with and why?

I would team up with Pearl (Mamarumo Marokane). I think she’s a strategist and a sharer! She will stay level-headed and help figure out a plan to save us both.

South African actress and presenter Micaela Jade Tucker. Supplied image.

Three items you have to have in your fridge at all times are ...

Eggs, sourdough and bananas.

How would you like to be remembered?

As being KIND!

You are on death row. You are allowed one last meal and drink. What do you choose?

Spaghetti Bolognese and rooibos tea!

Which SA actor would you love to work alongside one day?

Sylvaine Strike!!! She’s an icon. I would love to act alongside her or be directed by her.

If you had to switch places with another famous person for a day, who would it be with and why?

Meryl Streep. I am in complete awe of her and would love to spend a day in her life to help me become a more skilled, nuanced actor!

The Saturday Star