6 tips to help you navigate restaurant menus

Restaurant dining plays a role in how we celebrate and socialise. Picture: Pexels/Rachel Claire

Restaurant dining plays a role in how we celebrate and socialise. Picture: Pexels/Rachel Claire

Published Apr 3, 2024


Dining out can be an enjoyable way to connect with friends, family, and co-workers. Restaurant dining plays a role in how we celebrate and socialise.

Learning how to better navigate the menu, and upgrade your dining choices, can help ease the stress while you are dining out. When you look at a menu, you will see it is divided into several sections, one for each course.

You do not have to order every single course but the general rule of thumb is to order at least two (and you can split one of them).

Here are a few tips and tricks for a healthy restaurant experience.

Restaurant dining plays a role in how we celebrate and socialise. Picture: Pexels

Research ahead of time

Most restaurants have the menu on their website, so it is best if you can look at that ahead of time. If you are starving when you arrive at the restaurant, chances are you might order something you will regret later.

Planning ahead gives you the chance to pick the healthiest items. You will be surprised at the amount of calories, fat, and sodium that are in certain dishes – especially the ones that seem the lightest.

Try something different

When you eat out, you can try new foods, flavours, and even cultures. Order something you are interested in from the menu.

Ask the waiters or waitresses to explain how it tastes. I also think you should order something you do not usually cook at home.

Going out to eat is a great way to try new things and get ideas for what you could learn to cook.

Trust your appetite

If the description of a dish immediately makes you hungry, put down the menu. You are ready to order.

Restaurant dining plays a role in how we celebrate and socialise. Picture: Pexels/Rachel Claire

Do not be afraid to ask questions

Not sure what something on the menu means or how an item is prepared? Ask! The wait staff is there to help. Ask them for tasty, healthy recommendations.

Also, do not hesitate to inquire about substitutions. Can they serve the dish grilled instead of fried? Can the side of fries be swapped out for a salad?

If the sandwich comes on white bread, can they substitute whole wheat?

Have a healthy snack before you go

How you eat prior to dining out will determine your choices at mealtimes. About two hours before going out eat a balanced snack (think carb or fruit with protein or healthy fat). Not going into the meal hungry will greatly improve your chances of making a healthy choice.

Take it easy and pay attention to your body

Restaurant portions are getting bigger and bigger. You do not need to eat everything on your plate. Also, just because a meal comes with sides or desserts are on sale does not mean you have to order them. Listen to your body and notice what it is telling you.

It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to let the brain know it is full.

So, take your time eating and enjoy the people you are with.