Couple’s lewd behaviour leaves passengers gobsmacked on British Airways flight

A passenger on the flight witnessed the guy fumbling to zip himself back up and stash everything away. Picture: Supplied

A passenger on the flight witnessed the guy fumbling to zip himself back up and stash everything away. Picture: Supplied

Published May 21, 2024


Oh honey, just when you think you’ve seen it all, life throws a curveball that leaves you slack-jawed and muttering, "Haibo!"

Picture this: a British Airways flight, packed to the brim with passengers, is turned into an impromptu X-rated show.

A couple on the flight decided it was the perfect time to indulge in a heavy petting session beneath, wait for it – a scarf. Because clearly, a flimsy piece of fabric is the ultimate cloak of invisibility. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

Our brave informant is a woman who goes by Farrah. She spilled the tea to “South West News Service”. The early morning flight from London to Dublin was more than just a trip; it was an endurance test for the passengers, including children.

Yes, kids on board had to endure several minutes of the couple’s, um, vigorous activities.

Farrah, stuck in the unfortunate position of having to witness this spectacle, (along with others) turned to her brother, only to catch sight of what can only be described as aerobic activity in the other seats.

"It was very blatant," she reported. "She was constantly — for 15 to 20 minutes of the flight — just constantly at it with the guy." Well, they do say the morning is the most fruitful time for such endeavours.

And then came the seatbelt sign. You’d think that would be a cue to simmer down, right? Not. Farrah witnessed the guy fumbling to zip himself back up and stash everything away.

“It was just disgusting, to be honest,” she confessed. You can't make this stuff up.

As if this airborne soap opera wasn't enough, Farrah described kids running up and down the aisles during the one-hour flight.

"They just carried on, which was shocking because there were children on the plane," she continued. These kids, some as young as five or six, had front-row seats to the live action.

"We had about 38 minutes of the flight left when I noticed it. It was quite embarrassing for me to be sat with my brother and having to witness that," Farrah added. And to make matters worse, it was one of those smaller planes, making the spectacle all the more intimate.

British Airways, of course, had a very diplomatic response. A spokesperson told SWNS: "Our cabin crew colleagues were not alerted to any issue on board. Had they been informed, they would have taken the appropriate steps to address it."