Misinformation pedlars like Goolam should be prosecuted to preserve democracy

Goolam Muhammed Suliman Vawda, 49, has been using the social media alias @goolammv to discredit and threaten journalists, government officials, entrepreneurs, and politicians from South Africa for six years. Picture: Supplied

Goolam Muhammed Suliman Vawda, 49, has been using the social media alias @goolammv to discredit and threaten journalists, government officials, entrepreneurs, and politicians from South Africa for six years. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 19, 2024


By Zama Luyolo

Public spirited journalists (there are other kinds, remember StratCom) are duty bound to bring to the attention of the public the serious allegations against Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda.

It is thus no wonder that recent revelations have shed light on his alleged ties to former apartheid supporter Ismail Abramjee, sparking waves of indignation regarding his involvement in spreading harmful and deceptive disinformation.

Independent Media and IOL investigations link Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda to a well known, proven and still politically well-connected supporter of apartheid — Ismail Abramjee — who was a proud and strong supporter of P.W. Botha. The implications of his egregious associations have raised questions about his current affiliations and thus potential influences.

The public may remember Ismail Abramjee as the person who sent the SMS which caused the PP Busisiwe Mkhwebane to ask that he be prosecuted and jailed; so egregious and damning were his actions, certainly it portrayed someone who had access to persons in high office in the government with sensitive information. In the end the Constitutional Court ruled exactly as Ismail Abramjee predicted in his controversial SMS. Do I have to say anything more about this apartheid agent?

In response to the damaging effects of the misinformation propagated by Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda, the CEO of IOL has taken decisive action by instructing their legal team to pursue legal recourse against this vile propagandist. This proactive step by IOL and Independent Media demonstrates a commitment to addressing the harm caused by false narratives and malicious propaganda. The spreading of fake news was intended to undermine the dignity of certain personalities by manipulating public opinion and ultimately to influence the past elections which gave us this beat of GNU but ultimately to undermine trust in our democratic institutions we fought so hard for.

Goolam's intention was part of a concerted campaign by reactionary forces parading as mainstream media to impair the integrity of our democratic processes. Goolam was obviously part of a well resourced and well planned ahead campaign to accomplish that objective. In a country where we cannot afford further polarisation Goolam was used as an instrument to cause division in our rainbow nation. His malicious and offensive toxic narratives intensified polarisation to those on the far right such as the blue party making it harder for their followers to seek common ground and apply common sense to understand the plight of the poor black majority in their quest for land and social and economic justice.

Goolam's posts on X were intended to perpetuate and entrench negative stereotypes, discrimination and anti-black prejudice. It is no wonder most of our social media racists all hail from KZN where Goolam resides as there seems to be a hub of right-wing racists abounding there.

The malicious propaganda campaign orchestrated by Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda has targeted political leaders such as Lindiwe Sisulu, Panyaza Lesufi, Paul Mashatile, Dr Iqbal Survé etc. who are highly regarded by the nation but find themselves at odds with the certain Government of National Unity (GNU) leaders. This targeted misinformation campaign is intended to cast doubt on the integrity of these esteemed leaders within many in the black community.

Under apartheid, StratCom had a vicious campaign against Winnie Mandela and one of the agents involved said recently in a book that he could not believe that every lie they put out for public consumption was eaten up like sweet cakes by the media and thus by the public. He could not believe the power their lies had.

The worst was that many who did not know Winnnie Mandela also started to believe the lies because people are easily influenced by what they read. Fortunately UDF leaders through the well organised UDF underground media network were able to stem the negative effects of StratCom.

The spreading by Goolam of filthy, dirty lies is designed to undermine trust in public highly revered public figures which are not aligned to their political philosophy and sow seeds of doubt among the people of our country in these highly respected personalities such as Lindiwe Sisulu etc. The repercussions of such campaigns go beyond individual reputations, by negatively impacting public perception and the unity of a rainbow nation that Madiba fought so hard for.

This situation we are facing involving Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda demands for a critical examination of the importance of integrity, transparency, and ethical behaviour in public discourse. Upholding truthfulness and accountability is crucial in safeguarding the credibility of information and maintaining trust in leadership which is the mainstay of the clarion calls I make regularly in my writings.

In looking ahead we as a nation need to understand that the vituperative social posts of Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda underscore the wide-ranging effects of misinformation campaigns and the necessity of upholding and enforcing ethical standards in communication.

The National Assembly must take note that our criminal laws should be amended to make provision for this type of incitement. The mounting evidence that IOL and Independent Media has against Goolam Mohammed Sulieman Vawda paints a picture of a man entangled in a web of deceit and deception, especially given his direct ties to a shady apartheid supporter such as Ismail Abramjee who the PP laid a criminal case against.

The Independent Media and IOL executives should not only consult with their lawyers but should post haste go to the nearest police station and lay a charge against Goolam.

Whether Goolam will end up behind bars or evade punishment is not relevant now but the message should be sent out loud and clear that no one who spreads fake news should feel he can get away with it and that our people won't take kindly to those who want to create chaos in society; our country cannot afford it.

A criminal charge will also send out a strong message to those apartheid beneficiaries behind Goolam that your game is up and you can run but you cannot hide.

* Zama Luyolo writes on behalf of Makhundayi PR and Communications Service.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.