Why more real estate agents need to embrace technology

Discover how real estate agents can boost efficiency and success by embracing modern technology. Learn practical steps to change the way you work.

Discover how real estate agents can boost efficiency and success by embracing modern technology. Learn practical steps to change the way you work.

Published Sep 11, 2024


As a realtor, your days are probably packed. You're buried in paperwork, chasing client calls, and juggling countless property listings. It's exhausting, right? But what if I told you there's a more efficient way to work?

Change is the only constant

The real estate world changes fast. Clients want quick responses, personalized service, and smooth transactions. If you're not keeping up, you're falling behind.

Remember when a Rolodex and business cards were enough? Those days are gone. The market's tough, competition is fierce, and tech-savvy agents are leaving everyone else in the dust.

Here's the thing: Using technology isn't just about staying current; it's about completely changing how you work.

Time-saving tech tools for real estate agents

Let's talk about client communication. Remember playing phone tag for days just to set up a viewing? With modern customer relationship management (CRM) tools, that's history. These systems can automate follow-ups, set reminders, and manage your entire client list from your phone. It's like having a round-the-clock assistant.

But that's just the start. Think about your marketing functions. Are you still relying on yard signs and newspaper ads? Digital marketing platforms can help you reach thousands of potential buyers with a few clicks. Imagine showing virtual property tours to interested clients anywhere in the world!

Also, don't forget about data; analytics can give you an edge. You can use analytical tools to price properties more accurately and spot trends before your competitors do.

Overcoming technology hesitation

Now, you might be thinking, "This sounds great, but I'm not good with computers." Here's the good news: Modern real estate tech is designed to be user-friendly. You don't need to be a tech buff to benefit.

And using new tech doesn't mean losing your personal touch. Actually, it frees up your time so you can focus on what really matters—building client relationships.

Boosting efficiency

Let's get down to business. How much time do you spend on paperwork? With digital transaction management systems, you can say goodbye to printing, scanning, and chasing signatures. Everything is electronic, which can save you hours each week.

But it's not just about saving time. Modern tech can help you serve your clients more effectively. Imagine pulling up a client's preferences, past interactions, and property history instantly during a call. That's what a good CRM can do for you.

Here's another thought: What if you could schedule your social media posts, email newsletters, and property listings across multiple platforms automatically? Marketing automation tools make this possible. They keep your brand visible without eating up all your time.

Embracing change for long-term success

Change can be scary. You might worry about the cost or the learning curve, but think about the return on investment. You'll save time, increase sales, and make your clients happier.

So what's next? Take a hard look at your current methods. Where might technology make a difference? Start small if you need to; even one new tool can have a big impact.

As you explore options, check out a simple CRM solution like Bigin, which is designed for small businesses—including real estate agencies. While there are many tools out there, Bigin offers an easy-to-use interface and a template for the real estate industry.

Practical steps for tech integration

Here are some concrete steps you can take to start integrating technology into your real estate business:

  1. Audit your current processes.
  2. Research your CRM options.
  3. Upgrade your smartphone.
  4. Learn one new tech skill each month.
  5. Join online real estate tech forums.
  6. Attend a tech workshop.
  7. Set up a basic website.
  8. Experiment with virtual tours.
  9. Automate your email marketing.
  10. Track your progress.

Remember, the goal isn't to overhaul everything overnight. Start with one or two changes and build from there. Each small step takes you closer to a more efficient, tech-savvy real estate practice.

The future is digital

The future of real estate is digital, and the time to adapt is now. By embracing technology, you're not just keeping up—you're setting yourself up for long-term success in a competitive market.

Remember, in real estate, those who innovate today will succeed tomorrow. Take that leap if you haven't already.

Start small, but start now. Try out a CRM, explore virtual tour software, or dive into social media marketing. The tools are out there, waiting for you to use them.

Your future in real estate is bright—and it's digital!

This is a guest post by Bigin by Zoho CRM

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