TikTok to commission animators in the fight against cyberbullying

File picture: Reuters/Florence Lo

File picture: Reuters/Florence Lo

Published Jun 10, 2021


TikTok has again thrown its weight behind educating its users on creating kindness on its platform by launching a new campaign that will see top animators create a series of videos aimed at raising awareness about online bullying.

For this campaign, the company said that they have partnered with six of their popular creator-animators to offer perspectives on how to counter bullying, show the unintended impact this harmful behaviour can have on users.

King Science will be one of the creators involved in this campaign and will be tackling ‘What We Don’t See’ a short clip that encourages people to treat one another with care and compassion. He has a whopping following of 11 million putting him among the platform’s most-followed users. Other animators featured on the campaign include @milkymichii, @recokh, @kellyemmrich, @amyrightmeow, and @rosie.gif.

“As part of our ongoing commitment to promote online kindness, we're launching on our @TikTokTips account an animated video series that tells the real and personal stories of six creator-animators whose distinct animation styles complements their diverse experiences.” The company said in a blog post.

In each video series, the animators will be using their distinctive animation styles and voices, and at the end of each video, users will get to see the creator behind the videos.

TikTok added that with this campaign creators are delivering an important message of treating each other with kindness and respect.

“These creators drive home an important message: behind every account is a real human being who deserves to be treated with kindness and respect,” the company said.

The videos will be available on TikTok’s Discovery page for a whole month and on @TikTokTips. The company is also inviting users to participate in the #CreateKindness hashtag challenge by creating TikTok videos that spread kindness.


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