ATM to sponsor a ‘foreign agents’ bill

ATM leader Vuyo Zungula.

ATM leader Vuyo Zungula.

Published Jul 23, 2024


The African Movement for Transformation (ATM) has characterised the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) funded by foreign institutions, as “agents of foreign interests”

Party leader Vuyo Zungula, said these NGOs and entities were active in the political terrain on behalf of their foreign funders, who sought to advance foreign interests in the country.

For this reason, the ATM would be sponsoring a foreign agent’s bill to designate all foreign-funded NGOs and entities as foreign agents.

“This measure is crucial to ensure that domestic policies and decisions are made by South Africans, for South Africans, without undue foreign influence.

“By identifying and regulating these foreign agents, we aim to safeguard our sovereignty and promote transparency. The people must govern, not foreign funded NGOs,” he explained.

Zungula said the 7th administration should act as the voice and defender of the people, and his party would be introducing bills that were going to address the pressing issues facing the country.

“There must be a parliamentary inquiry to investigate certain matters in our country, the first one is the Rand manipulation and unethical practices of the banks: “Parliament as the voice of the people needs to investigate the systematic impoverishment of our people by the banking sector.”

Zungula claimed that the 6th Parliament had violated Section 42/3 of the Constitution by failing to scrutinise the conduct of the President Cyril Ramaphosa in the Phala Phala matter.

This section dictates that the National Assembly (NA) is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people, by among others, scrutinising and overseeing executive action.

“The independent panel report has not been set aside by any court of law and that report must be thoroughly processed by Parliament. The Government Of National Unity (GNU) hypocrites, who wanted President Cyril Ramaphosa to account before elections might change their minds now they were in Cabinet,” Zungula added.

He added that the ATM together with other Progressive Movement members in Parliament would make sure that Ramaphosa accounted for the Phala Phala matter “whether he likes it or not.”

He also called for an inquiry into the collapse of a building in George in which 34 people died.

The Star

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