DA will use its Cabinet positions to influence economic cluster

Minister John Steenhuisen. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Minister John Steenhuisen. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published Jul 2, 2024


The DA says it will use its influence in the economic cluster via the seats it has in the new Cabinet.

The party has secured the ministerial positions in Agriculture, Public Works and Infrastructure, the Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, as well as the deputy minister roles in Finance, Trade and Industry, and Small Business Development. It also has six deputy ministerial posts.

The party believes it can pursue rapid growth and job creation through these.

DA leader John Steenhuisen said his party will also build on its experience in improving service delivery to reform and enhance the vital front-line portfolio of Home Affairs.

“We will use our representation as minister of Basic Education, as well as our deputy minister of Higher Education, to focus like a laser beam on improving the quality of education our children and students receive.

“And our representation in the Communication portfolio, alongside the deputy positions in Water and Sanitation as well as Energy and Electricity, enables the DA to contribute to the improvement of these critical services.

“The sheer weight and spread of these 12 portfolios amount to a recognition that the DA has a meaningful and vital role to play in the reconstruction of our country,” Steenhuisen added.

He was adamant that the DA was never in the government of national Unity (GNU) for positions for their own sake, explaining that it had refused to accept watered-down compromises, and drove a hard bargain at times to ensure that the portfolios they got get were of real substance.

“We are also pleased that the negotiations reaffirmed the agreed-upon mechanism to break deadlocks on policy matters, that any suspicious tenders issued in departments now under DA control will be swiftly investigated, and that senior civil service appointments will not be obstructed or politicised.

“Throughout this process, the DA has pursued a clear strategic objective, built on two inter-linked aims. Our dual objective was to ensure that we secured meaningful influence in government, while delivering on our election pledge to rescue South Africa from parties that seek to tear up our country’s Constitution.”

Steenhuisen said when the party said it would rescue the country from the “Doomsday scenario”, it meant it.

Following the announcement of the seventh administration Cabinet, Steenhuisen assured DA voters that they would keep their word, adding that they had delivered on both elements of the party’s strategic objective.

“I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the DA’s team of expert negotiators, who have done their country proud with the work they have done. With the Cabinet now in place, the DA is ready to get to work on what matters most: serving the people of South Africa.

“Our commitment is to painstakingly rebuild the government institutions now under our custodianship, with the aim of translating our demonstrated track record of good governance and quality service delivery at municipal and provincial government, into national government.

“We will do so because our mission core in the Government of National Unity is to serve, uplift and deliver dignity to all the people of our country,” he concluded.

The Star

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