Dr Jessica Mbangeni’s rich legacy celebrated

DR. Jessica Mbangeni celebrated

DR. Jessica Mbangeni celebrated

Published Sep 3, 2024


The Moshito Music Conference and Exhibition described renowned poetry Jessica Mbangeni as a pioneering artist, and an enduring force who shaped the future of South African music and praise poetry.

Conference chairperson Stanley Khoza said Mbangeni was far more than a key figure at Moshito, saying that she was the very soul and heartbeat of the organisation.

"Her fashionable praise poetry, vision, her leadership, and her devotion to South African music made her a pillar of strength, not only to the Moshito family but to the entire music community.

“Moshito Music Conference and Exhibition, which is globally recognised as South Africa’s premier music conference and exhibition, grew in leaps and bounds thanks to the constant participation of Mbangeni. She was known for her far-reaching voice, vision and tireless dedication to promoting South African music globally.

Her role transcended mere leadership, as she embodied the spirit of the South African music industry, fighting for its recognition and elevation on the world stages,” Khoza said.

He admired her relentless advocacy for South African music which saw her become an international ambassador for the nation’s rich cultural sounds.

Khoza said through initiatives like Moshito, Mbangeni was instrumental in creating spaces where women in music could not only perform but lead, collaborate, and shape the future of the industry.

“Her passion for gender equality within the arts left a profound impact, inspiring countless women in South Africa and beyond to pursue their dreams.

“Her influence in South African music was also notable for fostering collaborations between local musicians and international artists, forging connections that broke boundaries and opened doors for South African music to be celebrated globally.”

Khoza continued to say Mbangeni helped position South African music on the global stage as a vibrant, dynamic force that could compete with the best in the world.

“Jessica’s legacy is one of empowerment, not just through her music and praise poetry but through her ceaseless efforts to support, mentor, and uplift others.

“Her passing is an incalculable loss, but her influence will forever guide us.

“We will continue to uphold the values she stood for, to push boundaries, and to celebrate South African music in her honour."

“Beyond her extensive contributions to Moshito and the industry at large, Dr Jessica Mbangeni was a consummate performer whose presence on stage was magnetic,” he added.

Mbangeni was a celebrated South African musician, praise poet, and cultural activist.

Throughout her illustrious career, she remained devoted to promoting South African music and heritage.

She’s known for her unparalleled performances and her tireless efforts to uplift her peers and young talent, Mbangeni made an indelible mark on the South African music industry and beyond.

She was a beacon of strength, artistry, and leadership, whose legacy will continue to inspire and shape the industry for years to come.

The Star

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