FNB filled to capacity members urged to stay at home

Published Jul 29, 2023


Economic Freedom Fighters Gauteng chairperson Nkululeko Dunga has delivered a strong message against the mismanagement of the province by the ANC.

Speaking at the start of proceedings of the 10t birthday celebrations, Dunga said the ANC has made the province a province of unemployment and potholes, saying Premier Panyaza Lesufi was engaging in gimmicks through EPW projects for the youth.

As the arena filled to capacity party leadership urged those who were still making their way to Soccer Stadium to stay at home, as there was no space for tem.

This as a strong crowd of the EFF milled outside the stadium while EFF leader Julius Malema made his grand entrance.

"Those who are still at home or thinking of coming here must stay at home. The stadium is now too full to accommodate more people.Thise who can watch from home or at the shebeens, please follow the proceedings from there," the party's general secretary Marshall Dlamini announced.

This prompted the party to open the pitch up to accommodate those who were outside, with Dlamini urging stadium management to allow those who could not be accommodated into the 90 000 capacity seater to enter the pitch so that they do not miss out on the celebrations.

"Fighters, let us remain seated while management allows those who are outside to enter the pitch and celebrate with us. Please remain seated and disciplined and do not leave your seats," Dlamini said.

The celebrations have more than 30 artists, including party member Ringo Madlingozi, being roped in to help entertain the crowds and ground forces, many who travelled from other provinces in honour of the party's celebrations.

Award winning gospel singer Dr Tumi was the first artist to take to the stage, to kick off the celebrations with his song"We Need You Lord".

Other artists earmarked to perform during the day-long celebrations include Thebe, Spikiri, Ihhashi Elimhliphe, Alaska and many others.

The party has marked week-long celebrations, and today’s events were preceded by a gala dinner on Thursday, as well as a business breakfast yesterday morning.

The party has prepared a feast for its supporters, including the slaughter of over 100 cows donated by well-wishers and supporters of the red berets.

In opening the proceedings, Dunga sent a strong message that the celebrations were a celebration with the poor.

"Welcome to the province where unemployment is at 40%, where people of Alexandra live in congested spaces, and the province with a housing backlog of two million; a province that is no stranger to sinkholes enabled by the government of Mapanyapanya."

He said Gauteng leadership was obsessed with itself.

"This is the province where we are trying to fight against the gimmicks of the EPW programme that is not working for the youth..today the EFF is in charge of the affairs of the Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality. We call you to come and work with the EFF in Ekurhuleni," Dunga said.

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