Play Better campaign combats bullying by urging parents to nurture children

Stop bullying. Take action, be informed and show support

Stop bullying. Take action, be informed and show support

Published May 24, 2023


Johannesburg - To assist in reducing the prevalence of bullying, the Play Better campaign was launched to build, restore, and upgrade 1 000 playgrounds throughout South Africa from 2023 to 2024.

With this campaign, the Sasko Siyasizana community initiative aims to raise an awareness of the importance of positive play for children in many communities and the impact it can have on their development.

The campaign is focused on foundation phase learners, as this is a developmental window of opportunity where meaningful change can occur if children are provided with the correct tools, resources and guidance.

It is reported that bullying is one of the most prevalent anti-social behaviours caused by stunted social interactions caused by various circumstances, among them a lack of play and poor-quality opportunities for play.

In a conversation with “The Star”, educational psychologist Jiten Singh explains the essence of the campaign and the impact it has on children.

"As an experienced educational psychologist based in the school setting, this campaign is something incredibly special and addresses learners who are at a critical phase of development.

“The campaign is aimed at foundation phase learners, as this is a developmental window of opportunity whereby meaningful change can occur if children are provided with the correct tools, resources, and guidance."

Asked about the importance of parents participating in positive play with their children at home, Signh said: "Participating in positive play with children at home is highly important for parents. Engaging in play with your child allows for quality time together, fostering a stronger emotional bond and connection. Play provides an opportunity for parents and children to engage in shared experiences, create positive memories, and deepen their relationship."

There are also three ways that are suggested for parents to nurture their children to prevent them from becoming future bullies.

Teach empathy and kindness, foster effective communication and set clear expectations and consequences.

Also, there are advantages to assisting children in participating in positive play at home.

There are also several reasons why parental involvement in positive play is crucial, which include:

  • Bonding and relationship building.
  • Language Development.
  • Social and emotional development.
  • Skill development.
  • Confidence and self-esteem.
  • Shared values and learning.
  • Stress relief and relaxation.

Singh said that by actively participating in positive play with their children at home, parents contribute to their overall development, well-being, and happiness. It strengthens the parent-child relationship, fosters crucial skills and creates a loving and supportive family environment.

The Star

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