School boy injured in bullying incident

Krugersdorp school boy injured in bullying incident

Krugersdorp school boy injured in bullying incident

Published Jun 22, 2022


A West Rand family has opened a criminal case following an alleged bullying incident at their son’s Krugersdorp school which left the Grade 8 learner with a concussion.

On June 15, the Krugersdorp High School learner, who cannot be named, was walking with his friend to look for a teacher, who was supposed to look after his class for physical education, following an exam when they were approached by three other Grade 8 learners, who had allegedly threatened him the night before.

He told The Star yesterday that the boys proceeded to push him and call him names before one took out his phone and started recording a video.

“One of them started hitting me, and he slapped me on my face. When I tried to ask him what’s wrong, he told me that I was speaking to his friend.

“Other people tried to stop him, but he didn’t and punched me in the head and threw me on the floor.

“When I tried to get up, he kicked me on my ribcage,” the 14-year-old said, as he recalled the incident that was captured on video and circulated among learners.

Following the incident, the learner reported the incident to about three teachers.

“I’m so embarrassed by what happened. Yesterday, I walked into class, and I could hear people gossiping about me and laughing at me,” the pupil said.

His father told The Star on Monday that the parents were not informed of the incident and only heard about it when they found him sick and vomiting on Wednesday afternoon.

He was taken to the doctor and informed that he had sustained a concussion.

He said despite his son reporting the matter, no action was taken by the school, but the family went to the police station and reported it.

“These schools downplay these things, and the kids continue to mock him and send messages. Is a child not going to take their life? The bullying needs to stop, and these kids must be dealt with.”

The father and son added that cyberbullying was also happening to him and other learners.

“I swear, (name of assaulted learner) is going to get moered,” said one WhatsApp status directed at the pupil, seen by The Star.

Gauteng Department of Education spokesperson Steve Mabona said the incident could not be dealt with immediately as it occurred on the day which was followed by a long weekend, and the school needed to get statements from learners and teachers present during the incident.

“Subsequently, the matter was reported, investigated, and the said learners were issued with notice of disciplinary hearing.

“It must also be noted that the identified learners will continue to write the June exams separately from other learners and will immediately be collected by their parents after exams. They will also be suspended pending a hearing,” Mabona said.

In a separate incident around May 23

or 24, another Grade 8 learner was also allegedly bullied by a learner, and the incident was recorded.

In the video, a black learner is seen getting into the face of a coloured pupil until he pushes him. A fight ensues.

The mother of the coloured pupil, also in Grade 8, who asked to not be named, said her son was confronted by the other learner because he was talking to a girl that the other pupil was allegedly pursuing. She said the school did not notify her about the fight until she was called a few days later because a parent had complained.

“The father complained and made it seem like my son was a little gangster and that his son was fearing for his life.

“I asked the teacher if he had seen the video, but he just laid it down and said the matter was over and that he made the boys shake on it,” the mother said.

The mother added that she initially didn’t want to make too much noise about the incident as she feared her son would be victimised, until the father of the latest assault victim contacted her about what happened to his son.

“Bullying is not something I will stand for. I was bullied as a child. I know how it feels like,” the mother said.

Mabona said that the department had a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and other violent, anti-social behaviour.

“In fact, all schools in Gauteng are expected to have a code of conduct which also deals with bullying. Furthermore, we continue to teach our learners about safety in schools, which includes bullying,” Mabona said.

Gauteng police spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo yesterday confirmed that a case of assault with grievous bodily harm had been opened at Krugersdorp police station and that police had taken a statement from the victim.

Mavela said no one had been arrested so far.


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