Zuma, Magashule relationship solid as a ‘rock’

ACT says Ace Magashule’s relationship with former president Jacob Zuma is intact. Picture: Kamogelo Moichela

ACT says Ace Magashule’s relationship with former president Jacob Zuma is intact. Picture: Kamogelo Moichela

Published Aug 13, 2024


The African Congress for Transformation (ACT) says the relationship between it and MK Party is rock solid.

This follows media reports that the party had fired 11 members for allegedly meeting with MK Party leader and former president, Jacob Zuma, at his homestead.

ACT spokesperson, Mohau Khumalo, dismissed the reports, saying members were dismissed for breaching their constitution.

“This has nothing to do with MK, ACT has expelled people for misconduct. How is it an MK issue? Nowhere in our letter we mention MK,” Khumalo told the ‘Star“ on Tuesday.

According to the reports, the ACT members were expelled after they posted their picture with Zuma on social media, which annoyed Magashule who then ordered their expulsion.

However, Khumalo poured cold water on the allegations emphasising that the members’ suspension had nothing to do with either Zuma or Magashule.

He added that the relationship between two leaders was cordial and solid. “We are still working very closely with MK and both leaders share a special bond and history in politics.”

He said all 11 members were expelled because they violated the party code of conduct and ethical standards, and displayed disloyalty through actions that were detrimental to the collective goals and aspirations of the party. Khumalo said they were expelled with immediate effect after they acted in direct opposition to the party’s principles and goals.

Meanwhile, the MK Party too has removed 18 members from its National Assembly list.

MK Party spokesperson, Nhlamulo Ndhlela, said 12 of the members were told they were being replaced on the day they were sworn in as MPs, and were advised at the time, not to avail themselves for the swearing in.

“Those members were advised not to avail themselves for the swearing or if they so wished proceed with the understanding that they would be replaced at a later stage, pending the parliamentary procedures.”

Ndhlela further said that the party’s parliamentary list was compiled by “saboteurs” who included the names of their friends, family members and neighbours.

The news came just days after the party, for the second time had removed its secretary general Arthur Zwane. Earlier this year, the party’s founder Jabulani Khumalo was also expelled.

The Star