Stars: If it feels right, it is right

Michelle Aurets

Michelle Aurets

Published Aug 11, 2024


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Doors will open. All the knowledge you require is within to fulfil your dreams. Release ego based fears; stepping into your divine path and leaping forward confidently. You are supported in new directions for new adventures. Be brave. Magic number: 5

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Trust softer surfacing emotions to build intuition with respect and honour as your true self; allowing yourself to evolve into a greater version. Emotions will guide you through upcoming necessary decisions that must be taken. If it feels right, it is right. If uncomfortable, walk away. Trust. Magic number: 7

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Experiencing physical discomforts are deeper intuitions and messages directly from the body. All answers are within. Time in nature gives you the opportunity to release negativity, replenishing with clarity. Find your inner Zen. Attend to self-care and listen to your intuition. Your body never misinforms. Magic number: 4

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Spiritual supporters are guiding you. Be open to new unexpected relationships. Receive joyful new connections. Realising the right souls enter your life in perfect timing. New lasting relationships will be most beneficial on different levels supporting your path into prosperities. Magic number: 3

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Time-out restores inner calm, reconnecting with your higher power. Insights are seen clearly in stillness. Clock-out for a moment and breathe to reclaim your balance. Moving forward is easier when balanced. Be open to receive the guidance you have asked for. Magic number: 8

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Consider extending into deeper commitments with exercise. Adjust to dietary choices and exercise that you resonate with pronounces your intuition enabling an easier follow, while seeing inner wisdoms surface with clarity. Trust the process when it feels right. Magic number: 6

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Stay focused; succeeding with positive outcomes. Avoid doubtful ego-based interactions. Hold positive visions of your goals. Dig deep in faith that this is assured may require more effort, choose success as the only option. You can do this. Magic number: 11

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

It’s safe acknowledging your inner-light, powerfully confidently. Trust your power. It will lead you to your destination. Sharing your power to help others, to heal yourself is a blessing. Stop second-guessing. Step boldly into self-acceptance knowing you are powerful. Answers flow from here. Magic number: 9

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Be aware of synchronicities. Nothing is co-incidence. The answers find you in accustomed way. External influences like songs, overheard conversations, emotions and random interactions play significant parts delivering what you seeking. Listen to divine whispers that filter through. Magic number: 1

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Ask for help with endeavours. Time in nature; embracing colour will greatly support any current manifesting. As one good deed is done, one will be received. Explore opportunities working in nature, recycling or improving an area back to nature. Quiet time realigns you to your life purpose. Magic number: 10

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Permit yourself help that is at hand by exercising freedom of choice to do so. Everything you need is at hand; allow others; your spiritual supporters, to help you. Acknowledge going it alone is an unnecessary path. As you do this everything will fall into ease with haste. Magic number: 12

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Powerful spiritual supporters help you release all fear-based energy surrounding situations, environments, people. Focus only on remaining, attracting positivity back to realign your path, accomplishing your goals, desires with joy, living your dreams. Negativity is the block holding you back. Magic number 2

Michelle Aurets is a healer, psychic medium, intuitive mentor, masseuse and regression therapist. She also teaches meditation and breath work. She is passionate about holistic care and offers a small range of holistic products. Aurets practises in the Upper Highway, KZN. Find her on 1920. Contact her at 079 356 4657 or [email protected]


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